
The Second wave grows from the wreckage of the first. A new thing full of sand and grit absorbed from its broken predecessor.

Upcycle Campaign

Upcycle is 2dub's first logo campaign. It is designed to inspire people to creatively repurpose items which might otherwise be discarded.
upcycled jam jar Jam Jar
Tote bag of upcycled materials Canvas Remnants
Cat Grass grown in re-used orchid pots Re-used Orchid Pots
My Cat Laying on fabric I'm trying to work with Tiger Bell
Thrift Store t-shirt with upcycle logo Thrift Store T-Shirt


2dub's mission is to exalt Repurposing and Rebranding post consumer goods. 2dub or 2W, which is short for the Second Wave, is a brand identity which supports and unifies the upcycling movement. Much the way the Car Industry rebranded the "Used Car" into the "Previously Owned" car, 2dub.org is rebranding post-consumer goods into “Second Wave Goods,” where Second Wave means getting a second consumer life-cycle out of a material product.


Upcoming Campaigns to Promote Upcycling.


Cottage Core Y2K

Vibe: Inclusive Cyberpunk Moves into the Little House on the Prairie.

I'm currently developing this line of upcycled clothes


Piece of Sheet

Vibe: Cozy Security Blanket Disguised as a Functional Carry-All.

Here is a line of simple utility bags made from old sheets. The sheets are soft to touch and yes, they are first well washed.